A rather nice house in one of the better suburbs. Of course I agreed and later that afternoon I met he at the appointed address. I put it out of my mind.Ī couple of weeks later I met Cindy for coffee and she told me that she was going to work that afternoon and would I like to come along and see what went into making porn. I was instantly curious and asked more questions, such as what kind of porn, how often she worked, and finally, could I get a job there? The answers were, all kinds of porn, she worked several times a week in make-up, and she didn't think they needed anybody. I asked her what kind of films and she smiled and said 'porn'. A woman friend of mine, Cindy, confided that she worked occasionally as a technician for a film company. I was constantly broke, did not know where my next meal was coming from, let alone where I would get tuition and fees for my next semester.
It started when I was in grad school in southern California. I can further say that I enjoyed it and would do it again, even though I have now moved on to other things. But I spent just over two years in the industry took part in several hundred scenes.
Let me start of by saying that it was never my intention to become involved in the porn industry or especially to be a performer, let alone a gay performer.